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50 Ways To Help Kids Cope With The Stress of Divorce

Divorce isn’t a fun process for anyone, but it also doesn’t have to be a traumatic event either. It truly is up to you as a parent and how you handle it and the impact it will have on your children.

While it may not be easy, staying resilient for your children and providing them with a safe zone is the healthiest way to get them through the transition. And, believe it or not, children are far more resilient than most adults.

Coping with stress is all about processing emotions in a healthy way, as stress is inevitable in life. Whether it is talking to your children’s about their feelings around the divorce or engaging in a fun activity everyone, including you, can benefit from the list below.

And if your child is too young to talk about their feelings, pay attention to the behaviors they display. If they appear to be regressing in life, then this maybe their way of communicating to you they are under stress.

Here Are 50 Ways To Destress Your Children (And Yourself):

  1. Create A Safe Place To Ask Questions

  2. Go For A Bike Ride

  3. Create Art

  4. Listen To Their Favorite Music

  5. Make Gratitude Lists

  6. Journal Their Thoughts

  7. Cook Healthy Meals

  8. Go To Bed On Time

  9. Take Photos and Create New Memories

  10. Make Their Favorite Snack

  11. Give Them A Hug

  12. Go Hiking or Walking

  13. Let Them Know It’s Okay To Cry

  14. Attend Family Coaching

  15. Go To The Zoo

  16. Make Cupcakes

  17. Play With Pets

  18. Engage In Story Time

  19. Run A Warm Bath

  20. Play Cards or A Board Game

  21. Go To The Movies

  22. Do Deep Breathing Exercises

  23. Make A Collage

  24. Do Puzzles

  25. Embrace Nature

  26. Learn Yoga

  27. Practice Meditation

  28. Have A Dance Party At Home

  29. Sing Songs Together

  30. Engage In A Sport

  31. Learn To Play A Musical Instrument

  32. Get A Stress Ball

  33. Make Slime or Playdough

  34. Start A Neighborhood Clean-up Crew

  35. Volunteer Helping Others

  36. Build Something Together

  37. Learn A New Hobby

  38. Talk About Forgiveness

  39. Use Aromatherapy

  40. Recite Positive Affirmations

  41. Adopt A Pet or Fish

  42. Make A Vision Board

  43. Take A Nap

  44. Tell Jokes

  45. Paint Artwork To Decorate New Room

  46. Visit Museums

  47. Go On A Scavenger Hunt

  48. Build A Fort

  49. Act Out A Play or Skit

  50. Coloring Books

If you find you or your child is struggling with the transition of divorce, please send us an email to learn more about our Parenting and Family Coaching services. Divorce doesn’t have to be a painful experience for children or parents if the right tools are in place.


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