Take back your power and
move forward with ease
Heal wounds and
align to your authentic truth with boundaries
Let go of the old and create a new lifestyle that brings you fulfillment and joy
Some Common Issues divorcé
comet to us with:
I feel stuck and powerless. My self-esteem was shattered from a toxic marriage
I need to heal my wounds and discovery my truth. I want to set boundaries and find inner peace
I am struggling to let go and create a lifestyle that brings me
fulfillment and joy
"I felt so lost going through the divorce process. I didn’t know what to ask for or what rights I had to our marital assets. At the same time, I was trying to move on. But, realized I was getting in my own way from being able to heal. I didn’t want to be with my ex as our divorce was mutual, yet for some reason, his selfishness would trigger me when it came to co-parenting. Working with my divorce coach, Jillian, I was able to let go and focus on what was best for myself and my daughter. I found myself being able to heal and just breathe again. She really helped guide me and listened when my anxiety was through the roof. She provided an outlet without judgment which felt safe. She was able to ease my mind with clarity and give me the communicational tools to co-parent with my ex more effectively."
Divorce Coaching focuses on your current transitional phase of how to move FORWARD after divorce and by defining your new lifestyle goals. Coaching allows you to explore your feelings, gain CLARITY, and meet your needs while simplifying the decision-making process.
Going through a life transition can lead to various setbacks resulting in an overwhelming response of emotion. The interactive relationship with your coach will assist in making healthier choices, defining your new path, and LETTING GO of what no longer serves a purpose. When you commit to your personal growth and trust the process, you will reap the impact it has on creating your new fulfilling lifestyle.
The Peace I Have Now Was Worth Everything I Lost
Let go of what no longer serves a purpose in your life and redefine your new vision that will bring you fulfillment and happiness.
Connect to your core values and gain clarity. Owning your worth will be vital as you heal and begin dating again.
Create financial security as a single parent and successfully balance your parental responsibilities and
personal interests.
Divorce Coaching
Can Help you:
Establish a new lifestyle that is fulfilling and freeing
Develop a clear plan for financial responsibilities and commitments
Heal emotional wounds and set boundaries to achieve inner peace
Boost your confidence and self-worth and let go of the old you
Prepare to reenter the workforce or run your own household as a single parent